"CLAWED de'Florist" Vs "CAM-Florist | Highland Park", for the right to be called, "The Florist in The Middle Of Detroit".
CAMflorist.com, Inc., announces they're opening "CAM-FLORIST", in the "Middle Of Detroit". Family Owned and Operated, "CAM-FLORIST", partners with Artists for this venture.
"CLAWED" @ FlowerShopMidtown.com, is a Top Florist in Detroit. CLAWED, blogs at "Hustle & Flowers", to promote his ART, and, monetize his Talents.

The Florist In The Middle Of Detroit
Claude Thompson, (Owner @ CAMflorist.com), is in Detroit, working as "CLAWED", Underground. He's opening "CAM-FLORIST | Eastpointe", for his Family and Friends. He keeping Business Blooming MIDTOWN, before The Grand Opening May 10, 2024.
CLAWED, starts a "Fake Beef" with himself (basically), challenging "CAM-FLORIST", For The Middle of Detroit.